Have you ever stopped to listen to the way you talk to yourself? I mean really listened? Would you actually talk to someone you love with those words?
The words you use—both spoken and unspoken—are far more powerful than you realize. Your self-talk creates the blueprint for how your mind interprets, filters, and patterns your reality.
This internal dialogue isn’t just about what you think in the moment—it actively shapes your future thoughts, beliefs, and even the way you experience life itself.
Here’s why this matters:
The subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of your thoughts, habits, and actions. It’s like a powerful supercomputer that runs on the commands you give it through your words and thoughts. The catch? It doesn’t question or analyze—it simply takes what you say as truth and acts on it.
When you repeatedly say things like:
“I can’t...”
"I won't..."
“I’ll try, but...”
“I hate it when...”
“It makes me feel so...”
“I feel like...”
...you’re programming your mind to believe and act in alignment with those statements.
Why This Happens (The Neuroscience)
Your brain has what's called the Reticular Activating System (RAS)—a filter that determines what sensory information is important and aligns with your beliefs. When you tell yourself, “I’m always messing up,” your RAS will literally seek out evidence to confirm that belief, reinforcing the cycle... and making sure you do it more. And saying "I can't" literally tells your mind to stop trying and make sure you do not have the capacity to do something whether you really want to or not.
From an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) perspective, every word you use is a command to your subconscious mind. Phrases like “I’ll try” imply doubt, while “It makes me feel...” shifts responsibility away from you, subtly giving your power to external forces.
The more you repeat self-sabotaging language, the stronger the neural pathways in your brain become, locking in these limiting beliefs. Your thoughts and words are not just reflections of your current state—they’re actively creating your future AND shaping your sense of self.
What Can You Do?
Start by becoming aware of your self-talk. When you catch yourself using negative or limiting language, pause and reframe:
Replace “I can’t” with “How can I make this happen?”
Swap “I hate it when” for “I prefer when...”
Change “I’ll try” to “I am doing this.”
Shift " I feel like" to "I think" or "I believe."
These small shifts may seem insignificant at first, but they rewire your brain for positivity, action, accountability, and possibility.
Remember, your words are not just communication tools—they are the building blocks of your reality. Speak wisely, and watch how your life transforms.
Wanna learn more about how YOU can rewrite the narrative to YOUR life story? Reach out today for YOUR free session!