The hardest thing I ever did was walking away from someone that I loved because they couldn't commit. I thought she was 𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕆ℕ𝔼. We got engaged, talked about having a child, my kids loved her and she loved them too...
But it turns out I was wrong. She was scared. So she ran back to her comfort zone and threw me crumbs to keep me hanging on. She thought she could keep me at a close enough distance to make me think that one day she would be ready. Well I had enough. I told her NO MORE. I chose me. It was painful and I still think about her. But I am much happier knowing that I am strong enough to walk away and accept nothing less that I deserve.
I Choose Me!
I Deserve Love
I Deserve to be CHOSEN
I AM the ONE!
Choose Me or Lose Me!