Reiki is an ancient energy healing therapy that is gaining popularity in the world of western medicine. The Japanese word Reiki (pronounced ray ‘key) comes from the words “rei” (universal) and “ki” (life energy) and it describes the process of harnessing and directing the Universal Life Force Energy for healing purposes. This energy is sometimes also called Chi or Qi and is the energy that creates and sustains all life. The practitioner becomes a conduit and channels it to the client where their own healing ability uses this energy to heal and create balance. Every living thing is created from this energy and at the time of death, it leaves and returns to the Universe.
When this Universal Life Force Energy is in perfect balance, we experience physical well being, emotional stability, and spiritual connection. Reiki Healing sessions can last between 15 and 90 minutes. The number of sessions will vary, depending on what the client wishes to accomplish. Some clients will prefer to have one session while others choose to have a series of sessions to work on a particular issue.
Reiki can be used as a compliment to traditional medicine to treat illness and restore balance and harmony to the body as a whole. The Reiki practitioner conducts the energy from the Universal Energy Field and brings it into the field of human energy where it is transmuted into a form that is usable at the cellular level. The body then uses this energy to heal the cells and balance the body’s own energy field. Much like taking a pain reliever for a headache, the body accepts the energy and sends it exactly where it is needed most for the body’s highest good.
When a Reiki practitioner has reached Reiki Level II, they are capable of sending the Universal Life Force Energy through time and space. This allows the practitioner to send Reiki healing energy to clients, groups, or populations anywhere in the world in any time - past, present, or future. The practitioner connects to the receiver energetically and sends the healing energy to them. Their cells then receive the energy and send it to where it can serve the greatest healing good. The receiver can choose to relax, meditate, or continue with their daily routine while receiving distance healing with Reiki. The body receives the energy the same way and distributes it where it is needed most.
Libby Barnett, the longest-practicing Reiki Master Teacher on the East Coast, says distance healing with Reiki works as well as hands-on Reiki because “everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.” Libby also says “You could be driving to work and receive absent Reiki, the cells of the body are intelligent. They can pull in the energy and use it appropriately to activate the wellness within.”