How Meditation Changed My Life

I don't know about you, but I used to think meditation was silly. I thought you had to sit a certain way and hold your hands in funny poses and chant Ooohhmmmmm...

Boy was I wrong!
After losing my fiance/mother of my 2 kids to suicide in 2015, I was a mess for years. Down, depressed, angry, lonely... I came across an ad for this app called Insight Timer. So I figured I would give it a try.

All I could say is WOW! I don't think I have EVER felt so calm and relaxed in my life.

There was a free 7 day intro to meditation course that taught me all the basics and got me started on my path to recovery and self love!

I now meditate twice a day. I lie on my bed with my eyes closed and just get in the zone... I either look for guided meditations on the app or I search YouTube for guided meditations by topic depending on what I am feeling.

I strongly suggest giving this a try. There are meditations that focus on anything from self love to trouble sleeping or even pain relief. There are even meditations for kids to get them started early too.

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